TSLPRB SI Preliminary Written Mock Test

TSLPRB SI Preliminary Written Mock Test

TSLPRB SI Preliminary Written Mock Test help the students to crack the TSLPRB exams. This Mock Test can help to get jobs like SI(Sub Inspector) and Constable jobs in civil, AR, Communication, and fire recruted in Telangana. These Mock Tests can give you the confidence and lower your mistakes. These tests will prepared according to TSLPRB syllabus and Pattern.
TSLPRB Practice Online free Telangana Police Constable Mock Test. Available in English and Telugu languages.

TSLPRB SI Preliminary Written Test Syllabus & Exam Pattern:
A) Preliminary Written Test: All the eligible registered Candidates shall be required to appear for the Preliminary Written Test in one paper (three hours duration)

Paper Subject Max. Marks
Written Test
Arithmetic and Test of Reasoning / Mental
Ability (100 Questions) and General Studies
(100 Questions) (Objective in nature)

Note: 1) The minimum marks to be secured by the Candidates in order to qualify in the Preliminary Written Test paper is 30% for all categories i.e., OCs / BCs / SCs / STs / Ex Servicemen
2) For each question, the Candidate shall be awarded full marks, assigned to that question, if
he / she darkened only one bubble that corresponds to the correct answer. In case the Candidate
has not darkened any bubble, the Candidate shall be awarded zero mark for that question. In
all other cases, 20% of full marks shall be awarded as negative mark for that question.

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