Current Affairs English May 2022 For All Competitive Exams

Current Affairs English May 2022 For All Competitive Exams

Daily Current Affairs English Section provides latest and Best Daily Current Affairs -2022 May for All Competitive Exams. Gain knowledge by answering simple online quiz multiple choice questions (mcq bits) on Current Affairs, History, Geography, Mental Ability, Sports, Science, Constitution , Politics, GK. These bits can help to crack all major competitive exams like UPSC, SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, CAT, MAT, CDS, NDA, PSC, LIC, Banks, Railways, APPSC, TSPSC, GROOUP 1, GROUP 2, GROUP 3, GROUP 4, SI, Constable of police department etc. Learn only on These questions had been asked in various competitive examinations already such as UPSC Prelims, SSC, Bank PO, Bank Clerk, Railways, All states PSC (Public Service Commission), LIC (Life Insurance Corporation), AP Lawcet, TS Lawcet, CLAT etc.

Current Affairs
May 2022
English (400+ Bits)

Q) Which of the following is correct about May 1st (may day / international labor day – 2022)?
1. It was first held in 1886, May, 1st USA.
2. The first Labor Kisan Party of Hindustan was held in India on May 1st, 1923 in Madras.

A) 1, 2
B) 1
C) 2
D) None

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Q) Which of the following ministries has recently entered into an MOU with C-DOT to avail LTE services?

A) Agriculture
B) Health
C) Labor
D) Railway

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Q) AARDO (African Asian Rural Development Organization) has recently entered into an MOU with which of the following to promote sustainable agriculture?

B) IIm-koji code
D) IIT – Madras

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Q) Which of the following two states has recently launched a project called “Sab Ka Saat, Sab Ka Vikas, Sab Ka Vishwas, and Sab Ka Prayas” to address border issues?

A) Assam and Meghalaya
B) Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh
C) Nagaland and Tripura
D) Tripura and Meghalaya

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Q) What is the position of India in the recently announced crypto currency growth?

A) 18
B) 21
C) 20
D) 16

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