Daily Quiz on General Studies Current Affairs GK For All Competitive Exams in English

Daily Quiz on General Studies Current Affairs GK For All Competitive Exams in English.

Play And Win ₹ 10 English

Gain knowledge by answering simple online quiz multiple choice questions (mcq bits) on Current Affairs, History, Geography, Mental Ability, Sports, Science, Constitution , Politics, GK. This quiz can help to crack all major competitive exams like SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, CAT, MAT, CDS, NDA, PSC, LIC, Banks, Railways, etc. Learn only on McqBits.com. These questions had been asked in various competitive examinations already such as UPSC Prelims, SSC, Bank PO, Bank Clerk, Railways, All states PSC (Public Service Commission), LIC (Life Insurance Corporation) etc.

(a) Current affairs of National importance
(b) History and Geography of India
(d) LANGUAGE ABILITY:- Intended to test the candidates proficiency in the use of language, ability for comprehension, summarisation, idiomatic usage, vocabulary and usage, detection of mistakes, absurdities etc.
(e) Disaster Management
1. Disaster Management -Important Points
2. Disasters and Types
3. Earthquakes
4. Tsunamis
5. Floods
6. Cyclones
7. Environmental Degradation

Time: 100 Seconds.
Total Marks: 10
No negative marks.
Unlimited Attempts

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