SCIENCE PEDAGOGY TET Paper 2 Free Online Mock Test

SCIENCE PEDAGOGY TET Paper 2 Free Online Mock Test


SCIENCE PEDAGOGY TET Paper 2 mcq questions are very important objective multiple choice questions for crack TET Paper 2 in Telangana, Andhra Pradesh based on D.Ed, B.Ed books. This SCIENCE PEDAGOGY Practice Test is very useful for students to get good score in TET, TRT examination.

SCIENCE PEDAGOGY TET Paper 2 Free Online Mock Test is useful fro crack TS TET, AP TET, CTET, UP TET, KTET etc


SCIENCE Paper 2 Syllabus For TET, TRT:
(Marks: 30)
CONTENT (Marks: 24)

1. Natural Resources – Air, Water:
Water pollution, Harnessing of water, States of water, Hardness of water, water pressure Air pollution, Atmospheric Pressure, Air pressure, Archimedes’ principle, Pascal’s law, Bernoulli’s Principle, Hydrometer, Barometer. – Laws of floatation, Specific gravity, Surface tension, Fluid Mechanics.

2. Our Universe:
Solar eclipse – lunar eclipse – Constellation – Zodiac, Space travel; Solar system, Satellites, stars, comets; Earth.

3. Natural Phenomenon:

Light: How can we see objects – shadows – Reflection of light – laws of reflection – plane mirrors and
images – Virtual image, real image, pinhole camera, periscope, kaleidoscope – spherical mirrors and images –
Fermat’s Principal – Applications of reflection of light – Refraction of light – laws of refraction – refractive index, Snell’s law – total internal reflection and its applications – refraction through glass prisms and slabs – refraction at curved surfaces and through lenses – images formed by lenses and ray diagrams – construction of human eye – least distinct vision – defects of vision-formation of rainbow- dispersion of light.

Sound: Sources of sound, Production and propagation of sound – construction of human ear and its working – Properties of sound – auditable range – Sound Pollution, Sound Waves, Kinds of Sound Waves,
characteristics of sound waves – reflection of sound – echo – uses of ultrasonic sounds – Musical instruments.

Heat: Concept of heat and temperature – thermal equilibrium – Measurement of Temperature – Types of
Thermometers – specific heat and its applications in daily life – methods of mixtures – evaporation –
condensation – boiling point – melting point.

4. Mechanics –
Kinematics, Dynamics: Concept of motion and rest.
– Types of Motion; Speed, Velocity, Acceleration, Newton’s Laws of Motion, force – types of force – resultant force – Friction – types of friction – factors influencing the friction – fluid friction – gravitation – Newton’s law of gravitation – centre of gravity and stability. Work and energy – types of energy – conservation of energy.

5. Magnetism and Electricity:
Magnetism: Natural Magnets and Artificial Magnets, properties of Magnets, uses magnets – methods of
magnetization – Magnetic Induction – magnetic field – Magnetic lines of force.

Electric Circuit – Primary Cells – conductors and insulators – electric charge – electric field – electric potential – potential difference – EMF – Ohm’s law – resistance – specific resistance – resistances in series and parallel – heating effects of electric current – electric power – magnetic effects of electric current – solenoid – Fleming’s left hand rule – electric motor – electromagnetic induction – electric generator – electrical conductivity of liquids – electro plating – Faraday’s laws of electrolysis.

6. Matter around us:
States of matter – properties of matter – substances and mixtures – methods of separation
of mixtures – fibers – types of fibers, plastics – types of plastics – use of plastics and environment.

Acids, bases and salts – neutralization – metals and non metals – physical and chemical properties of
metals and non-metals – Coal and petroleum – combustion and fuels – types of combustion – temperature of
combustion – calorific value.

7. Laws of Chemical Combination and Chemical Calculations: Physical change, chemical change Laws of
chemical combination, chemical reactions and calculations. Types of chemical reactions.

8. Atomic Structure : Atoms and molecules – elements – atomicity – Dalton’s atomic theory – Ions – atomic
mass – valency – molecular mass – concept of mole – molar mass – Thomson model of atom, Rutherford model
of atom – Bohr’s model of atom – atomic number – Isotopes – quantum numbers – electronic configuration.

9. Periodic classification and chemical bonding : Dobenier triads – Newlands law of octave – Mendaliev’s
periodic table – long form of periodic table – changes of properties of elements in groups and periods.

Chemical Bond – ionic bond – covalent bond – shapes of molecules – electron valency theory – properties of ionic and covalent substances.

10. Metallurgy : Extraction of metals and steps – reactivity of metals and its role in extraction of metals –
various methods of extraction of metals.

11. Biology: Its importance in everyday life

12. Living World – Characteristics: Classification of Plants and Animals and their characteristics.
a) Cell: Concept, Cell theory, differences between Plant cell and Animal cell, Cell divisions, Cell
b) Tissues – Animal tissues, plant tissues.

13. Plant World – Types of plants: Parts of a plant – their functions, seed dispersal, fibers from plants.
Reproduction – Asexual, Sexual, Vegetative propagation, Nutrition, Photosynthesis, Excretion,
Respiration, Economic importance of plants.
Economic importance of Plants, Agriculture, Crop diseases & pest control measure.

14.Animal World: Movements, Organ systems and their functions including man
Digestive system, Respiratory system, Circulatory system, Excretory system, Nervous system,
Endocrine system, Skelton system, Reproductive system, Sense organs in man, Nutrition
Deficiency diseases in man, First Aid, HIV/ AIDS, animal behaviour
Economic importance of Animals, Animal husbandry, Pisciculture, Sericulture.

15. Microbes: Bacteria, Viruses, Fungi, Protozoan
— useful and harmful microbes, microbial diseases in plants & animals

16. Our Environment: Biotic & Abiotic factors, Natural resources, Biodiversity, different eco systems, air
pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle, oxygen cycle.

17. Recent trends in Biology: -Hybridization, Genetic engineering, Gene banks, Gene therapy, Tissue culture

1. Definition, Nature, Structure and History of Science
2. Aims, Values , Instructional Objectives of teaching Science and Academic Standards in Science
3. Methods of Teaching Science
4. Instructional Material in Teaching Science – TLM in Science.
5. Instructional Planning
6. Science Laboratory
7. Science Teacher – Changing Roles
8. Science Curriculum and its transaction, NCF-2005, SCF-2011
9. Science Textbooks.
10. Evaluation – CCE – Formative Assessment, Summative Assessment – Designing and
Administration- Analysis of Scholastic Achievement Test (SAT)

Total Questions:24
Marks: 24
Negative Marks: NO
Durations: 24 Minutes


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