Social Studies TET Paper 2 Free Online Mock Test

Social Studies TET Paper 2 Free Online Mock Test


Social Studies TET Paper 2 mcq questions are very important objective multiple choice questions for crack TET Paper 2 in Telangana, Andhra Pradesh based on D.Ed, B.Ed books. This Social Studies Practice Test is very useful for students to get good score in TET, TRT examination.

Social Studies TET Paper 2 Free Online Mock Test is useful fro crack TS TET, AP TET, CTET, UP TET, KTET etc


Social Studies Paper 2 Syllabus For TET, TRT:
(Marks: 60)
CONTENT (Marks: 48)


1. Maps – scale – cardinal points – types of maps – evolution of maps – conventional signs – contour lines
2. Globe – oceans and continents – latitudes and longitudes – origin of earth – realms of the earth
(lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere) – landforms – movements of the earth and its effect –
seasons – interior of the earth
3. Solar Energy – insolation – temperature and its measuring – terrestrial radiation – polar regions
4. Elements of climate – types of rainfall.
5. Europe, Africa – location – physical features – climate – forests and wild life – population – agriculture – minerals – industries – transportation – trade, exports and imports.
6. Geography of India and Telangana – physical features – rivers and other water sources – seasons –
forests – climate and its factors affecting – floods and droughts – forests and animal wealth – soils –
electricity – agriculture – mineral wealth – industries – population, literacy rate – density of population –
settlements and migration – transportation.


1. Livelihood of earliest people – sites in Telangana – domestication – settled life Agriculture – types of
farming – crop seasons – problems of agriculture and agricultural labourers and small farmers –
contract farming – agriculture in Telangana – trade and marketing – Self Help Groups – agricultural
markets yards – Minimum Support Price – trading paddy in Telangana – land holdings – phases in
agricultural development – green revolution – organic farming.
2. Production – handicrafts and handlooms – cooperative societies and their role – industrial revolution –
sources of energy – trade in industrial products – urbanization and slums – production in a paper
factory – process of making paper – transport system in Telangana – employment in transport –
congestion and pollution.
3. Industries – factors of location – agro based and mineral based industries – automobile industries and
IT – phases in industrial development – Industrial policies – growth in production – environmental
4. Service Activities – categories – importance – challenges.
5. Money and Banking – Barter System – exchange with money – evolution of money – emergence of
banks – commercial banking – types of deposits – Cheques and Demand Drafts – loans – Internet
Banking – credit in the financial system – financial literacy.
6. Prices and Cost of Living – price’s effect on people – inflation – consumer price index – regulation of
prices – government budget and taxation – VAT.
7. Production and Employment – sectors of the economy – National Income (GDP) – Percapita Income –
HDI – employment – organized and unorganized sectors – impact of technology on three sectors of the
8. Public Health and Government – health care services – public and private health insurance.
9. Globalization – flows in economic exchange – MNCs – Foreign trade – factors enabling globalization –
WTO, IMF impact.
10. Food Security and Nutritional Status of India – PDS – sustainable development meaning – sustainable
development with equity.


1. Tribal Panchayat system – present local body system (Gram Panchayat, Mandal Parishad and Zilla
Parishad) & Urban Governments – formation and functions.
2. Emergence of kingdoms and republics – first empires – Mouryas – Rajputs – Rastrakutas – Cholas –
Deccan kingdoms – Satavahana – Kushants – Guptas.
3. Regional Kingdoms : Kakatiyas – Vijayanagara Empires – Qutubshahis.
4. Moghals – Asafjahis – British Empire – landlords and tenants under the British and Nizams and Moghals
– peasant movement in Hyderabad.
5. National Movement in India – Muslim League – partition and migration – merging of princely states –
and Freedom Movement in Hyderabad State.
6. Making of laws and implementation of laws – Assembly – Council and Parliament – Election process –
WALTA Act-2002.
7. Indian Constitution – formation – features and preamble – Justice – Rule of Law – Judicial System – civil
and criminal laws – levels of courts.
8. Changing cultural traditions in Europe 1300-1800 – renaissance – reformation – modern science.
9. Democratic and National Movements – England, American and French revolutions – unification of
Germany and Italy. Expansion of Democracy in Myanmar and Libya – Civil Liberties.
10. Industrialization and social change – Britain, Germany and France – movements of women, workers
11. Colonialism in Latin America, Asia and Africa – impact on India and other regional movements.
12. World Wars I and II – reasons -Treaty of Versailles – League of Nations Holocaust – Nazism – Facism,
consequences – Great depression.
13. National Liberation Movements in China, Vietnam and Nigeria
14. Post War World and India – UNO – NAM – west Asian conflicts – peace movements and collapse of
15. Independent India – first general elections – SRC – Relation with neighboring countries – regional
agitations and formation of parties – coalition governments – Emergency period – Mandal commission –
economic liberalism.
16. The Movement for the formation of Telangana – gentle men’s agreement – reasons for Telangana
demand – different JACs – TRS – achieving Telangana.
17. Disaster management – types of disasters – drought – accident related – threat of terrorism – human
induced disasters
18. Traffic Education – traffic signals – signs – necessary documents


1. Diversity in India – gender inequalities – sex ratio – employment – status of women and their work with
wages – women protection acts.
2. Caste discriminations – reformers initiations.
3. Abolition of Zamindari System – Rural poverty at the time of independence – Land ceiling – Bhoodan
4. Poverty – distress in rural areas – poverty as chronic hunger – food inequality – elimination of poverty
– access to affordable food – the right to life
5. Human Rights and Fundamental Rights – Right to Information – Right to Education – Lok Adalat.
6. Social Movements – Civil Rights movement in USA – Green Peace movements – Bhopal gas disaster –
NBM – meria paibi – Human Rights Movement in USSR.


1. Religion and society in early times – Indus Valley Civilization – Vedas – Hinduism, Buddism, Jainism,
Christionity, Islam Bhakti movement, new religious developments in India.
2. Folk – religion – communal worship of folk deities. The antiquity of folk traditions – inter mixing of
village deities and high religious traditions
3. Social and Religious Reforms Movement – Christian Missionaries and Oriental Scholars – Religious
Movements of Bengal and Punjab – Reform and Education among Muslims – Reform Movements in
Nizam Dominions – Women and Dalits in freedom movements.
4. Understanding Secularism.


1. Indian Heritage and Culture – Historical sites
2. Language, writing and script – Vedas – epics – jataka stories – sangam literature in Tamil.
3. culpture and Buildings – Harappan cities – Buddhist Stupas and Viharas – rock cut chaityas.
4. Rulers and Buildings – Engineering skills and construction (temples, mosques, tombs, forts and tanks)
destruction of temples – imperial style of Vijayanagara period.
5. Performing arts – Film and Print Media – Evolution of cinema – influence of films on the society – role
of newspapers in cultural awakening and freedom movement.
6. Sports: Nationalism and Commerce

Social Studies PEDAGOGY (Marks: 06)

1. Social Sciences as on integrating area of study: Context and concerns
– Distinguishing between Natural and Social Sciences – Social Studies and various Social Sciences –
contributions of some eminent Social Scientists
2. Aims and objectives of learning Social Sciences
– values through Social Sciences – learning objectives and illustrations – learning objectives in
constructivist approach – Academic Standards
3. School curriculum and resources in Social Sciences
– NCF-2005, RTE-2009, SCF-2011 – syllabus – Resources – Dale’s Cone of Experience
4. Teaching – Learning Geography – space, resources and development
5. Teaching – Learning Economics – State, market and development
6. Approaches and strategies for learning Social Sciences
– collaborative learning approach – 5E learning model – problem solving approach – planning –
concept mapping
7. Teaching – Learning History
8. Teaching – Learning of Political Science, Democracy and Development
9. Community Resources and Social Sciences Laboratory
10. Tools and techniques of assessment for learning: Social Sciences
Evaluation – CCE – assessment framework – assessment learning of students with special needs

Total Questions:48
Marks: 48
Negative Marks: NO
Durations: 48 Minutes


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