TET Paper 1 English Content Bits Previous year question Paper Key with solutions

TET Paper 1 English Content Bits Previous year question Paper Key with solutions
Previous year question Paper Key with solutions 2024 Paper 1 Child Development and Pedagogy for TS TET Andhra Pradesh (AP) are very important objective multiple-choice questions for TET, DSC in Telangana, Andhra Pradesh based on D.Ed., B.Ed. books and schoolbooks. This previous paper of Tet paper 1 previous year question paper with answers is very useful for students to get good score in TS TET, AP TET, TS DSC, AP DSC TRT CTET examination.

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English Content

61) Read the following passage and answer the questions. Choose the correct option for each question.
Violence has become a way of life in India. Terrorists kill people without any sense of remorse. Communalists indulge in violence without any reason, some selfish politicians boost their image by patronising violence, workers and students resort to violence for getting their grievances redressed. It is correct to say that Indian psyche has lost the non- violence exemplified by Gandhi or Budha. In its place, we have accepted naked and maimed beggar, child labour, burning of brides and count-less deaths as a result of war or accident.
The two new types of violence, i.e., terrorism and rioting and they make the age-old caste-based notion of untouchability pale into insignificance. All these have left the Indians unmoved by human sufferings. Such a blunting of emotions itself manifests in a variety psychological reaction.
According to the author, new ways of violence is of

A) two types
B) three types
C) four types
D) five types

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A) two types

62) Which of the following issue is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A) child labour
B) burning of brides
C) child marriages
D) begging

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C) child marriages

63) From your reading of the passage, which of the following is NOT correct?

A) Terrorists kill people without any sense of remorse.
B) Some selfish politicians never resort to violence for boosting their image.
C) Communalists indulge in violence without any reason
D) Violence has become a way of life in India.

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B) Some selfish politicians never resort to violence for boosting their image.

64) Terrorists kill people without any sense of remorse.
Choose the correct synonym for the word “remorse.”

A) regret
B) achievement
C) contribution
D) acceptance

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A) regret

65) According to the passage, one of the following is a new type of violence

A) rioting
B) rigging
C) human trafficking
D) domestic violence

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A) rioting

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